
Ergonomics consultations through qualified ergonomist in Bangalore,Abudhabi, Dubai,UAE, Mumbai, chennair, hyderbad.Vibration Studies,Industrial,Oil rig and Office Ergonomics Assessments,training and consultation

Services and Concise client list



 Ergonomist Bangalore, chennai, new delhi, mumbai, abudhabi, dubai,hyderabad.Ergonomic consultant Bangalore, chennai, new delhi, mumbai, abudhabi, dubai,hyderabad. Ergonomic services,Bangalore, chennai, new delhi, mumbai, abudhabi, dubai,hyderabad, Human factors specialist, office ergonomics Bangalore, chennai, new delhi, mumbai, abudhabi, dubai,hyderabad. Industrial Ergonomics Bangalore, chennai, new delhi, mumbai, abudhabi, dubai,hyderabad.

Ergonomics audits in Bangalore, chennai, hyderbad, dubai, abudhabi, saudi arabia, india, bhutan, mongolia, delhi, himachalpradesh. Ergonomic audits for office and industries.

At INDIAergo we believe in being , "pain free @ work.

We provide Office and Industrial ergonomic trainings,workshops and assessments in all major cities of INDIA, like New Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderbad, Ahmedabad  and in Dubai and Qatar.We also provide Vibration studies for Hand-arm vibration and Whole body vibrations in various setups as per ISO norms.

We strive to provide services that are COST EFFECTIVE and SUSTAINABLE

Our programs are focused on prevention of workplace injuries and accidents.

While injury prevention is our key focus , we also provide solutions which are therapeutic and aimed towards cure.

We provide Ergonomic consultations and services across INDIA through our dedicated team of Ergonomists.

We use internationally approved vibration meters for our vibration analysis and studies. Studies are conducted as per ISO norms.

Other services provided are Human Factors solutions, workplace design and office furniture consultation, ergonomic training for corporates and therapists


                                                                     Our Programs

Comprehensive Annual Programs

Our comprehensive annual programs maintain offer solutions that enable the client and their employees  to be in touch with us as per their requirements


Regular Programs

 Our Ergonomics and occupational safety programs include-

  • Industrial and office Ergonomic Training
  • Awareness lectures ranging from 60 mins to 120 mins
  • Workshops ranging from 120-180 mins with hands on preventive training and demo for customized work desk adjustments
  • Work desk assessments- Individual or group work desk assessments  to identify and provide solutions for effective risk management.


Unique Budget Programs

Comprehensive industrial or office ergonomics program-

This includes passive screening of employees at work. A report of visible risks and possible action plan is provided to HR or the concerned department.

Once the report is reviewed , further  Regular or Annual programs like workshops, work desk or workstation assessments can be implemented.


New Office Setup

We work with a team of architects and designers to assist in ergonomically designing your new office.

Ergonomics and its safeguards always need to be built in from the ground up. An Ergonomic consultation and feedback at this stage will save resources at a later stage, as and when the ergonomic issues arise.

We can work with your team of architects and designers or get our team on board. Choice of chairs and workstations, lighting conditions, lux levels, air quality and temprature regulation, sit to stand workstations or regular adjustable workstation, we can provide you with the answers, as per your resources and needs.



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IndiaErgo (UAE)

IndiaErgo (Mumbai)

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